Anisha & the Inbetween


In a world rife with anti-immigrant sentiment, Anisha, an Indian artist in Los Angeles, is on the cusp of a big career break after years of struggle. Meanwhile, the limitations of digital communication and a decade of travel bans have created a rift between her and her parents in New Delhi. As the decennial travel window approaches, Anisha decides that a social wedding in New Delhi will make up for her parents absence at her court marriage in LA. Wanting to prove that a creative career was not a ruinous choice, Anisha offers to pay for the wedding which she envisions to be a small intimate affair. Anisha's mother Veena on the other hand, steeped in tradition and societal expectations, hopes for a big traditional Indian wedding. Anisha struggles to cope with the demands of her rising career while wanting to appear financially successful and please her parents. Miscommunications over vast cultural and geographical distances cause Anisha's life to spin out of control. To bring order to her outer world, Anisha must bring peace to her inner world - the Inbetween, by confronting her identities as an artist, a daughter and an immigrant.


In development


Director: Asavari Kumar
Producer: Diana Ward
Executive Producer: Hitesh Patel