
Going Somewhere (2025)

Narrative Feature
Status: In Pre-Production
Logline: Vanessa embarks on a road trip to fall out of love.

Anisha & the Inbetween

Animated Feature
Status: In Development
Logline: In a world rife with anti-immigrant sentiment, Anisha, an Indian artist in Los Angeles, is on the cusp of a big career break after years of struggle.

Lost in My Mind (2024)

Short Documentary
Status: Completed
Logline: Manny Padilla is a 17-year-old musician living with severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Blue Hour (2023)

Status: Completed
Logline: Two personal journeys intersect when a struggling young photographer is hired for a cheap last minute portrait gig.

Champion (2023)

Status: Completed
Logline: It’s 1997, and 9-year-old Jimin has just moved to California.

Gugu naGogo (2022)

Status: Completed
Logline: When a lunar eclipse stops her late-night letter exchanges, 12-year-old astronomer Gugu must find a way to reconnect with her beloved Gogo (grandmother) who lives far away in Zimbabwe.

The Goldfish (2021)

Status: Completed
Logline: An adopted woman is forced to confront her darkest fear about motherhood at her sister’s baby shower.

Family Time (2021)

Status: Completed
Logline: A career woman with a family wonders what she must give up to have it all.

The Corner Store (2021)

Status: Completed
Logline: Clean up! Clean up! Everybody do your share.

Hangry (2021)

Status: Completed
Logline: A teenage daughter, fed up with her father's abuse, takes revenge after he drinks away her college fund.

Were You Gay in High School? (2020)

Status: Completed
Logline: Two queer women recall their awkward, closeted high school days of kissing boys and straight-girl crushes.

Stray (2020)

Status: Completed
Logline: A spirit metes out vengeance when a young girl ignores her mother's warning about the Pied Piper myth.

Liberty (2019)

Status: Completed
Logline: Alex and Milagros deal with great life upheaval as they prepare to dance at their community’s redevelopment groundbreaking ceremony.

The Coin (2019)

Short Animation
Status: Completed
Logline: A young woman loses her jar of lucky coins on her journey to a new country, which contains the lucky coins she has been collecting growing up.

Between Two Worlds (2018)

Short Documentary
Status: Completed
Logline: One place of many lives, in and out.

Full Beat (2018)

Status: Completed
Logline: A trans teen reluctantly braces herself for court-ordered time with her unaccepting dad but finds an unlikely ally in his fiancée.

Roller Dreams (2017)

Feature Documentary
Status: Completed
Logline: The dream didn’t fade, it was taken.

Anamnesis (2016)

Status: Completed
Logline: Celine gives life to her lost love and attempts to resurrect the past using her memories. Guillermo searches for who he is and fights for meaning between a fragmented past.

Shelling Peas (2011)

Status: Completed
Logline: Amy and Dean deal with the death of their mother differently, but before they get on with their lives, they first have to get on with each other.

Jailbirds (2011)

Status: Completed
Logline: All is not what it seems when Lucy and Dane conspire a breakout from their mythical island cells.

Old War (2010)

Status: Completed
Logline: What do you do when you begin to fall for someone you're meant to hate?