Going Somewhere (2025)


Vanessa, 40, is struggling with the separation from her husband of 15 years. She didn’t see it coming. She thought they were happy. She thought his nudges for children weren’t serious, after all, they decided no kids when they wed. Now, he's changed his mind. She didn’t anticipate the sudden loss of mutual love. The lack of discussion or her absolute exclusion. Now what?

Going Somewhere follows Vanessa as she runs from her pain - from sunny Los Angeles, where she thought she was living a dream life, into middle America. Away from the judgement of her friends and of the intertwined community she and her husband had fostered over 15 years of togetherness. Along the way she shakes off the Instagram life she's led, witnessing and interacting with everyday people going on with living, who don’t know or care about her baggage. For Vanessa, it’s a solitary path. The journey becomes a road trip to herself, to places she always wanted to see, to places she didn’t know existed, to her hometown in Texas, where she finds what she needs for right now. Space. Grief. Comfort. Newness. Light. Life.

This poignant and meditative road trip is about falling out of love and finding your way forward, with the backdrop of highways, byways and border towns of the US South West.


Starring: Nomsa L. Mlambo
Directed by: Diana Ward
Director of Photography: Bongani Mlambo
Producers: Kimberly Han, Jen Sall, Diana Ward
Line Producer: Alyssa Ulrich
Editor: Melanie Annan


In Pre-Production